August 2022

There are 14 blog entries for August 2022.

10 suggestions for a smooth home move August 2022 for Jean-Luc Andriot blog 080922

Make moving easier with these packing hacks.
Moving is a BIG step. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Keep these tips in mind as you prepare:

- Start packing when you start searching for a new home. Tackling a couple of boxes a day will give you a head start. And if you're going to sell your current home, you'll need to declutter anyway.

- Pack with unpacking in mind. Bundle items from a single room in each box. Then, clearly label it with its destination in your new home. This will save you time (and footsteps) when you unpack.

- Think outside the box when transporting clothes. If you plan on hiring movers, ask if you can leave clothing in your dressers. In many cases, they will use plastic to wrap the dresser so the drawers don’t fall out

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Is your smart home spying on you for Jean-Luc Andriot blog 080322

Once upon a time, smart home devices required dedicated hubs and a unique kind of wireless network to operate their various lights, sensors, and switches. With the popularity of digital assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and the Google Assistant, though, it was only a matter of time before they became a dominant force in smart home technology. While dedicated device hubs still exist, a significant portion of smart home devices are now designed and marketed to work with popular digital assistants and devices such as the Google Home and Amazon Echo.

This brings a considerable amount of convenience to smart homes, since instead of having to use control apps or other means to interact with hubs you can simply ask Google or Alexa to do what you want to do.

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10 tips for a smooth home move August 2022 for Jean-Luc Andriot blog 080222

The process of buying a new home can be both exhilarating and exhausting. But the journey doesn’t stop when you close on your property. On the contrary, you still have quite a bit to do before you can begin the process of settling into your new place.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do everything in a day. You don’t have to do it all alone, either. When you work with us to sell or purchase a home, you’ll have an ally by your side long after your transaction has closed. We’ll continue to be a resource, offering advice and referrals whenever you need them on packing, hiring movers and contractors, and acclimating to your new home and neighborhood.

When it comes to a life event as stressful as moving, it pays to have a professional by your side. Here

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